Plugin Module Index

For ease, all command buttons, fields and drop-down lists within the plugin have been uniquely labelled throughout this document and can be found in alphabetical order in the Index below.

Label Reference Type/Function
Material library A Command Button
2D Hatching Option (Area) B Command Button
3D Solids Corridor (Open) C Command Button
Pavement Design Library D Command Button
Project Name 1 Drop-down List
Corridor 2 Drop-down List
Baseline 3 Drop-down List
Region 4 Drop-down List
ORIS Project ID 5 Non-Editable Field
Delete (Project) 6 Command Button
Select All (Baselines) 7 Checkbox
Select All (Regions) 8 Checkbox
3D Solids Corridor (Create New) 9 Command Button
Show/Hide (Material Production Sites) 10 Checkbox
Open plugin settings 11 Command Button
Add new material table A1 Command Button
Name your material table A2 Editable Field
Specify Material Subtype A3 Drop-down List
Assign material a density A4 Editable Field
Define Code Name A5 Editable Field
Add a Material to Library A6 Command Button
Remove material table A7 Command Button
Reference your material A8 Editable Field
Select material type A9 Drop-down List
Save Material Library A10 Command Button
Specify material usage A11 Drop-down List
Remove a material from the library A12 Command Button
Move material up hierarchy A13 Command Button
Move material down hierarchy A14 Command Button
Add new Pavement Design Option B1 Command Button
Name your Pavement Design Option B2 Editable Field
Material Table List (if selected in B13) B3 Drop-down List
Select Material Type B4 Drop-down List
Select Material Usage B5 Drop-down List
Select Material Subtype B6 Drop-down List
Specify Pavement Layer thickness B7 Editable Field
Specify Material Density B8 Editable Field
Add a Pavement Layer to Design Option B9 Command Button
Remove Pavement Design Option B10 Command Button
Save your Pavement Design Library B11 Command Button
Reference your Pavement Layer B12 Editable Field
Select Custom Material Table (from Library) B13 Drop-down List
Remove Pavement Layer from Design Option B14 Command Button
Move Pavement Layer up hierarchy B15 Command Button
Move Pavement Layer down hierarchy B16 Command Button
Project Name (customizable) C1 Editable Field
Baseline (non editable C3D data) C2 Non-Editable Field
Region (non editable C3D data) C3 Non-Editable Field
Classification (non editable C3D data) C4 Non-Editable Field
Side (non editable C3D data) C5 Non-Editable Field
Volume C6 Non-Editable Field
Material Reference C7 Editable Field
Material Type C8 Drop-down List
Select Material Usage C9 Drop-down List
Select Material Subtype C10 Drop-down List
Specify Material Density C11 Editable Field
Carbon Footprint Calculation C12 Non-Editable Field
Update ORIS Materials C13 Command Button
Export current Project to ORIS C14 Command Button
Open ORIS Project C15 Command Button
Code Name C16 Non-Editable Field
Project Status C17 Non-Editable Field
Georeferencing System used in drawing C18 Non-Editable Field
Project Latitude/Longitude Coordinates C19 Non-Editable Field
Material Table List (if selected in C21) C20 Drop-down List
Select Custom Material Table (from Library) C21 Drop-down List
Match 3D Solids code name C22 Command Button
Import/Update Carbon values C23 Command Button
Workspace (Enterprise accounts only) C24 Command Button
Delete All Project Production Sites C25 Command Button
Workspace (if Selected) C26 Non-Editable Field
Import/Update Production Sites C27 Command Button
Excel Name D1 Editable Field
Total area of hatching on drawing D2 Non-Editable Field
Pavement Design Option Reference D3 Editable Field
Project Calculation Status D4 Non-Editable Field
Pavement Material Reference D5 Editable Field
Select Material Type D6 Drop-down List
Select Material Usage D7 Drop-down List
Select Material Subtype D8 Drop-down List
Pavement Layer Thickness D9 Editable Field
Specify Material Density D10 Editable Field
Carbon Footprint Calculation D11 Non-Editable Field
Move Pavement Layer up Hierarchy D12 Command Button
Add Pavement Layer to Pavement Design Option D13 Command Button
Remove Pavement Layer from Pavement Design Option D14 Command Button
Export Design Option to ORIS D15 Command Button
Pavement Layer Name (from drawing) D16 Non-Editable Field
Area of Design Option in Legend/Key D17 Editable Field
Export Pavement design Option (to Excel) D18 Command Button
Georeferencing System used in drawing D19 Non-Editable Field
Material Table List (if selected in D24) D20 Drop-down List
Project Latitude/Longitude Coordinates D21 Non-Editable Field
Match Design Option (from Design Library) D22 Command Button
Open Project in ORIS D23 Command Button
Select Material Table D24 Drop-down List
Move Pavement Layer up Hierarchy D25 Command Button
Import/Update Production Sites D26 Command Button
Select Workspace (Enterprise Accounts only) D27 Command Button
Name of Workspace selected D28 Non-Editable Field
Import/Update Carbon values D29 Command Button
Remove Link to ORIS Project D30 Command Button
Delete Production Sites from drawing D31 Command Button
Update ORIS Materials D32 Command Button
Update ORIS Library E1 Command Button
Import Material Library E2 Command Button
Export Material Library E3 Command Button
Import Pavement Library E4 Command Button
Export Pavement Library E5 Command Button
Contact Support Email E6 Information Only
Link to ORIS Website E7 Command Button
Link to ORIS Help (On-line) E8 Command Button
Link to Help File (Off-line) E9 Command Button
Delete All ORIS Data from File E10 Command Button
Logout (Plugin) E11 Command Button
Plugin Version E12 Information Only