Working with 3D Solids

For drawings produced in 3D

Accessing the 3D Solids

By selecting a “Corridor” (Drop-down list 2), you access the custom ORIS 3D solid creation environment shown in the image below. This command depends on Civil 3D corridors, specifically the 3D solids generated from these corridors. Ensure that you export the 3D solids from your corridor to utilize this section effectively, retaining the default property sets.

It's advisable to work with the original drawings of the corridors. In the event of missing property sets, the program may perform a reconstruction of the corridor to maintain functionality.

Before creating a project, you must select the name of the corridor you want to work on. Then, you have the option to choose the entire project by checking "All" at the baseline level, or you can select a specific baseline. Similarly, you then have the option to export all regions of the baseline or only a specific one.


Figure 4: 3D Solid, module overview

3D Solid requirements


  1. The plugin tries to retrieve all the 3D solids in the drawing.
  2. The plugin performs a filter to retrieve only corridor solids. 
  3. The plugin checks that the corridor information has been correctly entered in the 3D solids; if not, the corridor is rebuilt. 
  4. The plugin performs a filter to select only the 3D solids of the selected corridor. If a particular baseline or region has been selected, then only 3D solids from that baseline or region will be retrieved. 
  5. The user can then assign a material to each 3D solid. 


Here is a typical example of correct 3D modeling required for the plugin to function correctly.

  1. Select a corridor
  2. Click on "Extract corridor solids" 
  3. Select "All regions”
  4. Click on "Extract Solids" directly (keep all functions as default)

If you have set up 3D modeling as above, when you launch the "3D Solids Corridor", solid retrieval will be carried out correctly. 


If no 3D solids are present in the corridor, then an error message indicates this to the user. 

Please note: for versions 2021 and 2022, it is not possible to select a particular region. Only the entire project or an entire baseline can be exported.


Note: The data is stored in 3D solids. This means that as long as the modifications you have made do not delete the 3D solid, the information will still be accessible. 

For example, if you modify the thickness of an assembly layer or the direction of the baseline, after the corridor has been rebuilt, the data will still be available.  On the other hand, if you modify the subassembly, the reconstruction of the corridor will lead to the generation of new 3D solids and therefore the loss of the data associated with the old one.

The same 3D solid can be associated with a maximum of 3 projects, depending on whether it is used in a project resulting from an entire corridor, a corridor and an entire baseline and a corridor, a baseline and a selected region.


If you encounter problems when retrieving 3D solids, this is probably due to the absence of property sets. To resolve this problem, rebuild the corridor (you must have the assemblies on the drawing) and if this is not enough, delete the 3D solids from the corridor and extract again with the default parameters.